Christmas Prayer: Baby Jesus, You Accepted…

Dearest humble baby Jesus,

  • You accepted to be born in a lowly manger, even when You grew up You still couldn’t find a place to lay Your head (Luke 9:58), although You are He who gives us shelter.
  • You accepted to be breastfed with earthly milk, although You are He who feeds all the earth from Your gracious gifts. You fed the whole people of Israel Manna, and even when they complained You gave them Quail (Exodus 16).
  • You accepted to escape and hide from Herod (Matthew 2:13), although You are He who no one can stand against, even the mighty angels cover their faces in Your presence (Isaiah 6:2)
  • You accepted to be raised as a normal child and even rebuked from your earthly parents (Luke 2:49), although You are the good teacher, the good shepherd, and the fair judge.

I am sure, You accepted, because of Your love to me. Your love is indescribable, it is so pure! There is absolutely nothing I can do to repay Your love to me.

  • All that You accepted is but a simple proof that You put me as a priority, yet I don’t!
  • I know that all that You accepted was to give me salvation and eternal life, yet I don’t act accordingly, and sin daily.

All that I can ask for on this day is that you teach me how to love You the same way You love me.


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